Hiba Yazbek

Hiba Yazbek

PhD student

- E-mail: hiba.yazbek@inrae.fr

- Phone: +33 1 34 65 24 64

I have a Master 1 degree in Biochemistry Molecular Biology and a Master 2 degree in Science, Technology and Health, which I obtained from the Claude Bernard University of Lyon. I started my professional career as a research assistant at INRAE, ​​where my goal was to study the mechanisms of alteration of the intestinal microbiota induced by high-fat diets in rodents. I am currently a Cifre doctoral student, working at INRAE ​​in the PhylHom team and at PiLeJe laboratory.

My thesis project aims to determine the ability of specific probiotic-based solutions to prevent the occurrence of microbiota dysbiosis associated with medication use.

This research project will involve a combination of anaerobic microbial culture and meta-omics for in vitro screening and animal experimentation on rodents to assess physiological effects in vivo.