- Contact me:
E-mail: Leyla Slamti
Telephone: +33 (0)1 34 65 23 82
Positions and Employment :
- Research Scientist in the Génétique Microbienne et Environnement (GME) team headed by Dr Didier Lereclus, MICALIS Institute, UMR-1319, INRA.
Project: Cell-cell communication, division of labor and genetic expression in sporulating Gram-positive bacteria
Employed by the INRA.
Since october 2010
- Research Associate in the Unité Biologie des Spirochètes headed by Dr Mathieu Picardeau, Institut Pasteur, Paris.
Project: Characterization of the morphological determinants in Leptospira
Employed by the Institut Pasteur.
March 2009 - September 2010
- Post-doctoral Fellow in the laboratory headed by Pr Matthew K. Waldor, Tufts University and Harvard Medical School/Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA.
Project: Characterization of the Vibrio cholerae stress response via the Cpx two-component system and the RpoH alternative sigma factor
Employed by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
March 2004 - February 2009
Education :
- Microbiology and Molecular Biology Thesis
Project:: The PlcR regulon in the Bacillus cereus group: cell-cell communication, genetic expression and diversity
University Paris VII/Institut Pasteur, Paris, under the supervision of Dr Didier Lereclus, Unité de Biochimie Microbienne, Institut Pasteur, Paris/University Paris VII.
Training grant from the Ministry of National Education, Research and Technology.
Pasteur-Weizman Fellowship.
January 2004
- Master in Microbiology
Project: expression of the PlcR regulon in Bacillus thuringiensis
University Paris VII/Institut Pasteur, Paris, under the supervision of Dr Didier Lereclus, Unité de Biochimie Microbienne, Institut Pasteur, Paris/University Paris VII.
Higher education grant based on academic criteria.
October 2000
- General Microbiology diploma
Institut Pasteur, Paris.
December 1999
- Bachelor of Science
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry option Microbiology
University Paris VII.
June 1999
Publications :
h-index (Web of Knowledge): 14
26. Wunder E.A.*, Slamti L.*, Suwondo D.N., Gibson K.H., Shang Z., Sindelar C.H., Trajtenberg F., Buschiazzo A., Ko A.I. and Picardeau M. (2018) FcpB is a surface filament protein of the endoflagellum required for the motility of the spirochete Leptospira Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2018.00130
25. Ben Rejeb S., Lereclus D., Slamti L.* (2017) Analysis of abrB Expression during the Infectious Cycle of Bacillus thuringiensis Reveals Population Heterogeneity Front. Microbiol. 12;8:2471
24. Gélis-Jeanvoine S., Canette A., Gohar M., Caradec T., Lemy C., Gominet M., Jacques P., Lereclus D.*, Slamti L.*. (2017) Genetic and functional analyses of krs, a locus encoding kurstakin, a lipopeptide produced by Bacillus thuringiensis. Res Microbiol. S0923-2508(16)30062-6.
23. Verplaetse E, Slamti L, Gohar M, Lereclus D. (2017) Two distinct pathways lead Bacillus thuringiensis to commit to sporulation in biofilm. Res Microbiol. S0923-2508(16)30003-1.
22. Slamti L*, Lemy C, Henry C, Guillot A, Huillet E, Lereclus D. (2016) CodY regulates the activity of the virulence quorum sensor PlcR by controlling the import of the signaling peptide PapR in Bacillus thuringiensis. Front. Microbiol. 6;6:1501.
21. Dubois T, Faegri K, Gélis-Jeanvoine S, Perchat S, Lemy C, Buisson C, Nielsen-LeRoux C, Gohar M, Jacques P, Ramarao N, Slamti L, Kolstø AB, Lereclus D. (2016) Correction: Necrotrophism Is a Quorum-Sensing-Regulated Lifestyle in Bacillus thuringiensis. PLoS Pathog. 12(11):e1006049. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1006049.
20. Verplaetse E, Slamti L, Gohar M, Lereclus D. (2015) Cell Differentiation in a Bacillus thuringiensis population during planktonic growth, biofilm formation, and host infection. MBio. 28;6(3).
19. Zhou L., Slamti L., Nielsen-LeRoux C., Lereclus D., Raymond B. (2014) The social biology of quorum sensing in a naturalistic host pathogen system. Curr. Biol. 24(20):2417-22.
18. Slamti L.*, Perchat S., Huillet E., Lereclus D. (2014) Quorum sensing in Bacillus thuringiensis is required for completion of a full infectious cycle in the insect Toxins (Basel). 6(8):2239-55. Revue
17. Deng C., Slamti L., Raymond B., Liu G., Lemy C., Gominet M., Yang J., Wang H., Peng Q., Zhang J., Lereclus D., Song F. (2014) Division of labour and terminal differentiation in a novel Bacillus thuringiensis strain. ISME J. doi: 10.1038/ismej.2014.122.
16. Taylor D.L., Bina X.R., Slamti L., Waldor M.K., Bina J.E. (2014) Reciprocal Regulation of Resistance-Nodulation-Division Efflux Systems and the Cpx Two-Component System in Vibrio cholerae. Infect Immun. 82(7):2980-91.
15. Vörös A., Simm R., Slamti L., McKay M.J., Hegna I.K., Nielsen-LeRoux C., Hassan K.A., Paulsen I.T., Lereclus D., Okstad O.A., Molloy M.P., Kolstø A.B. (2014) SecDF as part of the Sec-translocase facilitates efficient secretion of Bacillus cereus toxins and cell wall-associated proteins. PLoS One. 9(8):e103326.
14. Grenha R., Slamti L., Nicaise M., Refes Y., Lereclus D., Nessler S. (2013) Structural basis for the activation mechanism of the PlcR virulence regulator by the quorum-sensing signal peptide PapR. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110(3):1047-52.
13. Slamti L., Picardeau M. (2012) Construction of a library of random mutants in the spirochete Leptospira biflexa using a mariner transposon.Methods Mol Biol. 859:169-76. Chapitre de livre
12. Slamti L., de Pedro M., Guichet M. and Picardeau M. (2011) Deciphering morphological determinants of the helix-shaped Leptospira. J Bacteriol. 193: 6266-6275.
11. Aviat F., Slamti L., Cerqueira G. M., Lourdault K., Picardeau M. (2010) Expanding the genetic toolbox for Leptospira species by generation of fluorescent bacteria. Appl Environ Microb. 76 :8135-8142.
10. Choi A.H.K., Slamti L., Avci F.Y., Pier G.B., Maira-Litrán T. (2009) The pgaABCD locus of Acinetobacter baumannii encodes the production of Poly-ß-1-6-N-acetyl-glucosamine PNAG that is critical for biofilm formation. J Bacteriol. 191: 5953-5963.
9. Slamti L., Waldor M.K. (2009) Genetic analysis of the Vibrio cholerae Cpx system. J Bacteriol. 191: 5044-5056.
8. Bouillaut L., Perchat S., Arold S.T., Zorrilla S., Slamti L., Henry C., Gohar M., Declerck N., Lereclus D. (2008) Molecular basis for group-specific activation of the virulence regulator PlcR by PapR heptapeptides. Nucleic Acids Res. 36(11):3791-801.
7. Declerck N., Bouillaut L., Chaix D., Rugani N., Slamti L., Hoh F., Lereclus D., Arold S.T. (2007) Structure of PlcR: Insights into virulence regulation and evolution of quorum sensing in Gram-positive bacteria. Proc Natl Acad Sci. U S A. 104: 18490-18495. Recommended by Faculty of 1000 Biology.
6. Slamti L., Livny J., Waldor M.K. (2007) Global gene expression and phenotypic analysis of a Vibrio cholerae rpoH deletion mutant. J Bacteriol. 189: 351-362.
5. Slamti L. and Lereclus D. (2005). Specificity and polymorphism of the PlcR-PapR quorum-sensing system in the Bacillus cereus group. J Bacteriol. 187: 1182-1187.
4. Slamti L., Perchat S., Gominet M., Vilas-Bôas G., Fouet A., Mock M., Sanchis V., Chaufaux J., Gohar M., and Lereclus D. (2004). Distinct mutations in PlcR explain why some strains in the Bacillus cereus group are nonhemolytic. J Bacteriol. 186: 3531-3538.
3. Fedhila S., Gohar M., Slamti L., Nel P. and Lereclus D. (2003). The Bacillus thuringiensis PlcR-regulated gene inhA2 is necessary, but not sufficient, for virulence. J Bacteriol. 185: 2820-2825.
2. Slamti L. and Lereclus D. (2002). A cell-cell signaling peptide activates the PlcR virulence regulon in bacteria of the Bacillus cereus group. EMBO J. 21: 1-10. Recommended by Faculty of 1000 Biology.
1. Gominet M., Slamti L., Gilois N., Rose M. and Lereclus D. (2001). Oligopeptide permease is required for expression of the Bacillus thuringiensis PlcR regulon and for virulence. Mol Microbiol. 40: 963-975.
*Corresponding author
*Contributed equally to this work.
Patent :
- Lereclus D., Song F., Slamti L., Deng C., Zhang J. Characterization of an expression system for the production of Cry proteins in Bacilllus spp. (EP17305011.3)